December 2023 Market Stats

GTA Real Estate 2023: A Resilient Journey and the ReturnĀ of…

October 2023 Market Stats

Sales Volume Down But Prices Remain Steady GTA Market Ana…

August 2023 Market Stats

GTA Market Update: As the Summer Market Ends, Interest Rates…

June 2023 Market Stats

The Pulse of the Greater Toronto Area Housing Market GTA …

April 2023 Stats

Intense Competition and Limited Inventory Drive Strong Surge…

November 2023 Market Stats

Unpacking the GTA Real Estate Puzzle: Challenges, Opportunit…

September 2023 Market Stats

Prices Tick Upwards While Inventory Grows in the GTA: GTA…

July 2023 Market Stats

GTA Housing Market Shows Continued Resilience Despite Intere…

May 2023 Market Stats

Impressive Rally in Greater Toronto Area Housing Market Cont…

March 2023 Market Stats

Springtime Brings Positive Outlook for Greater Toronto Area …